Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich come together in a riveting thriller Changeling directed by actor-turned-director Clint Eastwood. Based on actual events that created quite a stir in California in the 1920's, this is the story about a single mom who is ready to walk through hell and back to find her kidnapped child.
Christine Collins (Angelina Jolie) bids goodbye to her nine-year-old son and leaves for work. When she returns home that day, she realizes that her child has been kidnapped. She rushes to the police, and after several months of searching, her son returns. On instinct, Christine knows something is different about the boy and she is ready to face all odds to get the bottom of the disappearance and reappearance of her boy. This puts Christine in grave danger and her only refuge is Reverend Briegleb (John Malkovich) who helps her on her mission. Does Christine survive and succeed in her search for truth? We have to wait for Changeling to hit the silver screen to find that out!
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